Thursday, October 27, 2005


Just got my first pair of contacts in about 5 years last Friday. I thought there was something wrong with my right contact because that eye would never focus for any length of time. Things would look clear one minute then the next minute they may look a bit blurry. So I was all set to go back to the eye Dr today (Instead of Friday) when I popped it out, then tried to put it back in. As I was doing that I realized I had it backwards (The back side had flipped to the front side) and thats why it was acting weird. So I must have got it backwards off the break. Aint that some s*it. Im fine now but DAMN lol...

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Im fascinated by engineering

For some reason Arlington County has decided to make the streets narrower, and the sidewalks larger on Wilson Blvd next to Ballston. is the crosswalk opposite the mall.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Fukkin' foxes in Falls Church/BaileysCrossroads

You see that little circle? In the middle of it is a big ass red fox me and my cousin saw as we were standing in his grandmothers driveway talking. At first it was much closer but by the time my slow ass camera phone powered up he was wayyyyyyyy down the street. It was funny because I was thinking...if that thing comes towards me i am going to run so f-in fast lol...

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Remember the crosswalk of death???

Remember the crosswalk of death? Well...if you look at this picture you will see that sinister crosswalk. If you look at the circled area closely, you will see the white man standing there talking trash (Ill beat yo a** !!!!) to the guy in the 4 Runner with the door open. Well what happened was that the 4 Runner barely missed hitting white dude, and white dude got pissed. If I had my good camera phone I probably would have taken a movie. If you look at the two gentlemen in ties walking closer to the camera you can see one of them turning around being nosey lol...

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Another day on the trail!!!!

Yesssssss. Finally got back on the trail. Had me a nice little ride today, heres some more pics

This is a picture of a trail informational thingy in 4 Mile Run Park. It shows a picture of and describes one of the old train stations along the W&OD trail. I should have a better picture shortly, this one is a little blurry. If you click on it it gets bigger but im not sure if thatll help any lol...

I got some booty in that circled area before. lol

The first stretch. This is between route 50 and Route 29 in Arlington

Nice little landmark along the trail

The 2nd stretch..this is right after you pass Route 29 (Lee Hwy) in Falls Church

This is a beautiful house I see along the trail in Falls Church. When I grow up I want a nice big ass house with a pool like this

The fire station along the trail. This is right by the interscetion of Route 29 and Route 66 in Falls Church

More pictures of how the trail used to look

An old railcar. I dont know if this is one of the original ones or just an old railcar from somewhere

This shows one of the picnic areas (Or the path to it) that are next to the trail.

This is the path going to my favorite picnic area. I have cookouts here in the park from time to time. I might even rent a tent and party out here this winter too lol, we'll see how that goes

I am fascinated by engineering/construction

I have always been fascinated by construction. This is at the crosswalk crossing Wilson Blvd. My dad owned a construction company and he was a bricklayer so I have a bit of family background on this. Anyways...I was thinking of pulling up my asphalt driveway at home (Its in terrible condition) and putting in my own concrete driveway. It should be pretty easy, dig up the old asphalt, make sure you dig down to the proper depth, then its simply a matter of setting up your forms properly and pouring the concrete. I can do everything except the forms. But thats where my new friend Victor comes in. He was on the crew doing this curb amd I got his number so I could see if he'll do my driveway too, or at least help me do it. We shall see.

Angry Spanish man at Rock Bottom about a month ago

Ill beat yo mutha fukkin ass NIGGA!

Come on buddy! Lets go!

About a month ago the above listed idiot was drunk as hell at Rock Bottom in Arlington about to get his ass kicked. SHortly after these pictures were taken he got beatup (Not really bad either lol) by security up there. Drunk guy even got a good shot off on one of them. THen dude gave amigo the good ole karate kick lol. But whats funny is that me and my friend were at the bar and this dude had on this BIG GIGANTIC backpack. He was at the bar, we were standing right behind him. Dude bumped all into us and didnt even say exscuse me. Me and my man were like fuggit hes drunk lol. So we continue to drink then we see drunk boy outside arguing with security. I could see he was about to get rocked so I had my cell phone camera ready. Now if only I can get chicken man on camera...

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Dollar beers babyyyyyyyyyyy

Every Wednesday me and some of the co workers hit Rock Bottom to have a few buurs. Last night was no different. I drank about 3 and a half beverages, then I bought some nasty ass pretzels. I wonder if my co worker took them home like he said or not. I had an alright time, wish I woulda ordered some nachos instead of the pretzels. I ordered those pretzels before, I should have known they still tasted nasty. Oh well.

Crazy Senior Citizens

You see that crazy bitch walking down the sidewalk? With the black mini skirt? That bitch is so old I bet she knows Methuselah personally lol. But I digress,

The reason Im posting her pic is because this crazy ass bitch was TAKING A PISS in between 2 cars. Way I found out was I was trying to parallel park, so I come down the street you see in the pic and start parking. I bumped the car in front of me and then I see this crazy ass bitch come staggering from in between the car in front of me and the car in front of it. You know how the ladies do the little duck walk when then trying to pull up their drawls/skirts real fast and run/walk at the same time lol??? Well thats what this bitch was doing as she stood up/pulled up her shit/gritted on me/walked away. Man the look she gave me was evil as hell. I bet she woulda stole on me if I wasnt me lol...I wanted to take her pic close up so ya'll could see her face but I was too scared, she mighta whooped my ass or something lol...

4101 Wilson Blvd 10/12/2005

Building still looks the same. I was thinking of walking across the street and taking some closer pics. Maybe today, I know once they start digging the foundation I definately will check it out. They're building an Ice Skating rink on top of Ballston right now too, maybe Ill check that one out too...

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

The CrossWalk of death

There you see it. The crosswalk of hell. You see where that PT Crusier is sitting. I have had cars run up on me like that, I have had cars go flying by at the speed of sound, I have saw 2 people get hit in my 4 years of working here. One time this dude got hit and wasnt hurt that bad so he winds up doing an interview on the local news lol. Plus theres supposed to be all these special sensors there in the street and lights so at nighttime cars can tell when people are in the crosswalk. Man all that shit aint helped nutthin. Im just waiting for the day that someone gets tagged really bad in that crosswalk, lets just hope its not me. None of the cars follow the rules of that crosswalk either, thats why I say somebody gonna get it in that joint one day

See what can happen in a weeks's time

Damn. They knocked that whole building down in one week. Sorry I missed the in bewtween pics but really it looked the same until Friday. I guess over the weekend they took it all down. On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday they werent even demolishing it! Everytime I walked by they were just spraying it down with water. But it looks like its gone for the most part now. I bet they'll start rebuilding next week. We shall see!

Tuesday Morning...

Walking in to work. I have to park my car a 10 minute walk from my building. I could pay to park but im too cheap lol. Besides, its nice to take a little walk first thing in the morning, helps to get the head clear. Remember when the sniper was out? Could you imagine walking up this sidewalk (Its very long too) every morning hoping some gunman isnt hiding behind some tree or car lol....

Monday, October 10, 2005 my ass back on the trail

YES!!!! Back on the trail. Haven't went riding in about a month due to my rim being bent first, then I was too lazy to get my bike off the bike rack at Ballston. It was locked to the rack right in front of the Front Page restaurant all the way through Octoberfest lol. Then today I pulled her outta the trunk of the Lincoln and the tires flat. DAMMIT! The gods are conspiring to cancel my workout. Screw that. Went home, grabbed the check card, went to Spokes Etc on Quaker Laneand got a heavy duty inner tube and a kevlar lined tire. The inner tube costed 8.99 and the tire was 20 bucks +10 to put it all together. Came up to like 38 bucks. So after that I went ahead and hit the trail. The first 10 minutes I thought I was gonna die but then once I got to the first stretch (Will post pics tomorrow) I was fine. I had it in 2nd gear most of the way up, least I didnt have it on the easiest gear, I had it in the gear NEXT TO the easiest gear.

My rides

My two babies. 73 Lincoln Continental and my 70 Olds 98. Im in the process of taking the Lincoln to various bodyshops, so far one place told me 10 grand and another place said it was too much work. Ill take it to Maaco *shudder* tomorrow and see what they say. The engine runs perfect, I just need to put a new muffler and get one of the exhaust manifold bolts tightened up. The 98 is painted already but the engines knocking *arrrrrgh* Once I get the Lincoln painted then I plan on jumping on the Olds. The Olds shouldnt be that difficult to do, just gotta pull the engine, fix it, and get it back in there. Me and lil cuz can handle that no problem. I took the engine out of my 75 F100 right there in the spot where the 98 is sitting at now.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

7 inches of rain in 2 days

Yeah man. This is on Columbia Pike in Arlington. This was about 1PM Saturday. It was raining like the DICKENS. Hard too, non stop, all day. Im trying to think where I was on the way to oh yeah. Had to go to the bank real quick. Nothing else happened worth mentioning that day. A lotta rain, a lotta drinking, (Me and a female friend put away a six pack of Coronas that day lol) and then sleep.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Ahhhh another day in paradise

Monday, October 03, 2005

This is the bldg next to me. I will be taking pics daily to show the progress