Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Do I need to type anything? Yes that is some type of Chinchilla lookin' fur coat this mild mannered businessman was wearing. From the looks of it that damned coat wont even button up!!!! It looks young as hell.

This wild wooly beast was spotted somewhere near Ballston Commons.

Hey folks...why not post a comment and caption that pic lol....

Monday, February 13, 2006

Early morning Heinekens...

Look what I saw this morning. Its the little things like this that sometimes get to me as I come to work everyday. I was walking to work from where I park my car (Near the spanish ghetto) and my sister whom I had just dropped off a 6 pack to said look at that. I turned around and saw that snowman. Its pretty cool, they even put Bolivia, USA on there which is cool. They are proud of being Americans as well as Bolivians.

But to get back to the Heinekens
So Im laying in my bed, its about 5:20AM. Normally I wakeup every morning around 5-5:15AM. So Im chilling, and my phone rings. Now normally NO ONE calls me that early in the morning, so I look and its my sister. Ahh shit. What da hell she want. So I answer the phone, thinking shes gonna try to con me into letting her use my car while im at work (She lives right by where i be parking at. I used to park in her lot but thats a whole nother story) but instead she asks me to buy her a 6 pack of Heinekens and drop it off. So im like cool no problem, shes probably gonna chill and drink beers all day and lookit the snow melt. Then I was like man that lazy ass! Here I am going to work and she is laying up drinking beers all day.

But she did point out that cool snow man.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Talk about a dangerous drive...

Wow! Talk about driving in the rain...
I had to take a small journey down to Richmond this past weekend to take car eof some business. As I was driving down 95 S by Kings Dominion I ran into one of the worst rainstorms I have ever ran across while driving. Visibility was only a couple of car lengths. These photos actually make it seem like it was better than it was. I saw 2 cars that had ran off the road within 5 minutes of taking these pics. People were already helping the people that crashed so I kept getting up.