Crazy Senior Citizens

The reason Im posting her pic is because this crazy ass bitch was TAKING A PISS in between 2 cars. Way I found out was I was trying to parallel park, so I come down the street you see in the pic and start parking. I bumped the car in front of me and then I see this crazy ass bitch come staggering from in between the car in front of me and the car in front of it. You know how the ladies do the little duck walk when then trying to pull up their drawls/skirts real fast and run/walk at the same time lol??? Well thats what this bitch was doing as she stood up/pulled up her shit/gritted on me/walked away. Man the look she gave me was evil as hell. I bet she woulda stole on me if I wasnt me lol...I wanted to take her pic close up so ya'll could see her face but I was too scared, she mighta whooped my ass or something lol...
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