Got f-in soaked AGAIN
I swear man...I have the worst luck when it comes to rain and working out. Everytime I think its not going to rain and keep riding my bike...I wind up getting stuck under a bridge for an hour or I windup getting soaked. This is some BULLSHYT!!!!! Anyways, I took some pictures yesterday of how the trail I ride on (W&OD) looks when its flooded. Here is a little bridge I crossed when I first rolled out. As you can see its completely flooded at this point. Dammit, this bullcrap added an extra 10 minutes of riding in the rain for me yesterday
Heres a couple of other spots. These were flooded from the first band of showers that had already went by. After I took these we got like another hour and a half of steady rain. I wanted to take pics of that oo but by then my camera phone had gotten too wet and the lens was fogged up so it didnt take good pics.

Heres a couple of other spots. These were flooded from the first band of showers that had already went by. After I took these we got like another hour and a half of steady rain. I wanted to take pics of that oo but by then my camera phone had gotten too wet and the lens was fogged up so it didnt take good pics.