Lookit the little bunny rabbit and 'Killa' the cat hunter

I was riding on the trail yesterday and saw this lil bunny rabbit. Actually I saw a momma bunny and 2 little bunnies but by the time I got my camera phone (Nokia 6682) out of my pocket and took the pic this was all I got
Now this little fella here is gangsta.

I have saw this cat hunting on the trail many times. Normally he sits right on the edge of the trail and stares into the weeds that run along the trail looking for something to pounce on. I am going to try to get a pic of him in his pose today or tomorrow when I go riding. I just have to remember to have my camera on standby when I go by that part of the trail. These 2 pics were taken about a quarter mile apart. I wonder if those are bunnies the cat is hunting...I doubt it but I could be wrong