Well...my cousin was trying to pull the exhaust mani

fold for me one day and decided to break one of the bolts off in the head. Arrrrgggggghhhhhhh so now I have to pull the engine head, take it to the machine shop, and let them drill it out. Oh yeah, then I get to put it all back together. Oh yah! Another thing...I have NEVER REPLACED AN INTAKE MANIFOLD LET ALONE A HEAD ON ANY CAR BEFORE. So all this is new to me. I am no slouch though, give me a book and I can do anything. So heres a few pics. The first pic shows the engine minus the carb, cruise control linkages, and the distributor. The 2nd pic shows the intake gone, the 3rd pic shows the engine with the head removed, cleaned all off, ready to get the head put back on.
This pic shows how I kept track of what pushrods/head bolts went where

And this last pic shows my little work area lol...